05 October 2012

Persisting Oven Woes; Thus, Pumpkin Ice Cream

pumpkin ice cream
The pompoenen at the market have been exceptionally beautiful the last couple weeks. Normally, I'd buy a few without hesitating and preheat my oven. 

This time of year, I dream of all things pumpkiny and baked. Unfortunately, I'm going on week five of having a defunct oven (culprit=a really slow-shipping part); I was sort of clueless in a hands-up sort of way about why else I could possibly need a pumpkin. Until I stopped sulking and started thinking. Duh. Ice cream. And to whom would I turn in such a time of desperation? David Lebovitz, that's who. Err, whom. 

Lebovitz' exhaustive search for perfect food is perfect for someone lazy like me; I can just type Lebovitz and pumpkin ice into the search bar, and cream auto-fills.  His recommended solution for my craving is a recipe so perfect that the only modification I made was hand churning it instead of making it in a machine, because I'm not only lazy, but also cheap.

If you go my route, you'll end step 7 by placing the mixture in the freezer and briskly whisking every 35 minutes until the consistency is like thick whipped cream, and the whisk leaves lasting trails behind. This depends on freezer temperature; in mine, it took about four hours. 

Hint no. 1: Use a timer; forgetting wastes your efforts thus far, and you end up with a pumpkin-flavored ice cube.

Hint no. 2: Serve with coffee. Trust me.


p.s. This gorgeous pumpkin yielded double the puree I needed for the ice cream; I'll share a more savory side of this pretty little gourd with you soon. 
pumpkin puree
pumpkin ice cream